Locations Tool Redesign

Procore is the singular solution that drives intelligent risk management across all of your projects, from preconstruction to closeout.

Project details





Product Design, Research

Location redesign cover image
Location redesign cover image
Location redesign cover image


Users need a highly intuitive way to manage, visualize, and interact with work items related to specific locations. The current Locations Tool is functional but lacks the visual and interactive elements that can significantly enhance their efficiency.

Understanding where work has been completed, where it needs to be completed, and what might be blocking progress in a particular place is critical to improving Procore’s ability to track progress on the job site.

Current experience
Current experience
Current experience

Jobs to be done

This redesign work needs to account for jobs to be done by super intendents, project managers and workers on the field.

  • Associate an item to a Location by selecting from a list or drilling down to select from a sublist.

  • View all of the items associated with a particular floor plan & drill down to a specific location.

  • Find all of the items & drawings associated with a particular location.


There were several items we wanted to get users input on:

  1. We need to know if users will be able to easily adapt to the transition from navigating locations solely by a list vs. using a drawings interface. 

  2. We need to know if users will be able to understand how to generate a heatmap without significant hand holding or in-app messaging. 

  3. We need to know the quickest way for them to find the work items that are relevant to them.

We put a prototype together to run an unmoderated test, gathering people's reactions to this new experience.


  • At a high level, people struggled to find a work item within the location details page since it was not clear how to get access to this page.

  • Participants didn’t use the drawings navigation to find a location. Picker was more intuitive.

  • Participants were confused to identify which was the locations details page.

  • Collapsable groups for showing work items is quicker and preferable by participants since they avoid scrolling too much.

Iterations on design

We went back to the drawing board to continue iterating on the designs. We were confident enough to know that our hypothesis was not entirely true and we learned how participants preferred to navigate through a location.


In our iteration and latest design, we:

  • Made the picker more prominent as a way to get access to a location. Drawing is secondary.

  • Improved the button to view the location's details to make sure they understand they are different views.

  • Kept the collapsable groups to view work items in a location. Based on time constraints, items assigned to you were removed from scope and the groups show most recent with the option for you to see all and filter in the work item's respective tool/screen.

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Kitchen United (KU Mix)

Kitchen United (KU Mix)

Kitchen United (KU Mix)

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© 2024 Diego

Let's be in touch!

Feel free to contact me if having any questions. I'm available for new projects or just for chatting.

© 2024 Diego

Let's be in touch!

Feel free to contact me if having any questions. I'm available for new projects or just for chatting.

© 2024 Diego